Well here I am. It's Tuesday night before the saturday race. I Just ran 9.5 miles last night, and have been building up to that. But all my runs so far have been in the cool evening air. I haven't been on the bike but a few short rides since the MS150, and I still feel confident on a 45 minute swim.
I know I will finish the swim. I know I will get on the bike and most likely finish with some energy left. What I don't know is combined with the supposed 90-degree heat, or whatever daylight heating goes on, is if I'll want to start a 13 mile run after this, given the absolute lack of training.
I just put together a rough estimate of a 6:25 1/2 ironman. This is pathetic, but it is conservative, but I officially don't even want to hold myself to that time, that's how unsure I am. What I do know is that I am going to go in totally relaxed and having a good time. It's going to be a blast. I'm staying in a group house with other triathletes from the Chicago Triathlon club, thanks to my buddy Jason, who had some friends in the club that he knew about. He also is a member on slowtwitch.com which has a forum post about the issue.
Wish me luck.
swim: 45:00
t1: 5:00 ?
bike: 56 mi. @ 16 mph: 3:30:00
t2: 5:00 ?
run: (if I do it) 13.1 mi. @9 min/mi: 2:00:00